We offer complete production services in Romania
30 years of experience on the international market
Our MISSION is to provide prompt and reliable production services, understanding and taking into account customer requests (starting from compliance with customer standards and bringing improvements).
OMNIA PLAST is the company producing plastic materials that sets standards in Romania by exceeding customer expectations in the production of high quality products.
Within OMNIA PLAST we implement new technologies in the field of production and innovate through competitive products.>
Our clients are our partners in creating value, our organizational culture based on openness to innovation. The opportunity lies not only in the relationship we create with business partners, but also internally, creating a stable work environment where employees have the opportunity to constantly learn and develop professionally.
We move with the needs of the market in the implementation of any type of technology for our product (we invest for strategic growth).
Every product we make must be remarkable to our customers.
We develop each new product starting from the improvement of technological processes, developing production in the most innovative and efficient way.
The experience of 30 years in our sector helps us to implement in production even the most difficult items found on the market.
Experienced workers
Satisfied customers
Reliable partner
Customer support

Over 30 years of experience
We offer complete manufacturing services in Romania
We implement new technologies in the field of production and innovate through competitive products.

Departamentul de tampografie este dotat cu 20 de masini masini care pot face pana la 8 culori.
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Croit si termoformatura
Departamentul de modele de tăiere și termoformare este locul potrivit pentru tăierea și pregătirea oricărui tip de material pentru liniile de asamblare de cusut. 9 mașini de tăiat, 4 mașini de termoformat oferă un punct de plecare excelent pentru producerea oricărui tip de produs pe bază de cusut.
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Compartimentul de asamblare este format din 15 linii de asamblare si a fost construit pentru a finaliza mai multe operatii, de la simpla presare, sudare cu ultrasunete pana la asamblarea talpii asigurand astfel caracterul flexibil al activitatii companiei. Fiecare produs este realizat în cadrul unei linii de asamblare stabilite conform unui program determinat de tehnologia de producție, planul de producție și cerințele de calitate.
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Why we are the best


We could deliver a finished product starting from a simple idea. We integrate the latest technologies used at the moment